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1 a 10 de 14 Resultados
Adobe PDF - 73.8 MB - MD5: 8cf4a8c93d90d523fbb4aef895d44c0a
A file that compiles all supplementary figures of the paper in a single file
Adobe PDF - 71.0 KB - MD5: 99bd31ffc675a92186a783ebcc1c8556
Description of filesDocumentaciónSupplementary FigureSupplementary Table
Contains a list of figures and tables included in the dataset with their corresponding description. Please refer to "README.pdf" for a list and description of the scripts included in this dataset.
Adobe PDF - 43.9 KB - MD5: dc3e537618a6fee9a37e1a2df92861b6
Description of filesDocumentaciónScripts
Contains a list and description of the scripts included in this dataset. Please refer to "Legends for supplementary figures and tables.pdf" for a list of figures and tables included in the dataset with their corresponding description.
Datos tabulares - 11.4 KB - 14 Variables, 102 Observaciones - UNF:6:mdbBL75/15Aoi5Mp0qjD3A==
Hoja de cálculo para facilitar la asignación de puntaje en cada item
Datos tabulares - 749.6 KB - 227 Variables, 367 Observaciones - UNF:6:1R7lmoVKj1KV+OIzcRP43Q==
Datos tabulares - 199.6 KB - 17 Variables, 3552 Observaciones - UNF:6:jy4TLL1SsU0EVRg3bFxghg==
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