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Supplemental Figure 3: Survival curves of age at menarche onset stratified by different adiposity markers: a) Body Mass Index, b) Waist circumference, c) % of Fat Mass, d) Fat Mass Index
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Supplemental Figure 4: Survival curves of age at peak height velocity stratified by different adiposity markers: a) Body Mass Index, b) Waist circumference, c) % of Fat Mass, d) Fat Mass Index
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Supplementary Table 1: Hazard Ratio and 95% CI of BMI CDC percentiles between age 2 to 8 and different age of pubertal milestones (B2, P2, menarche, PHV)
Adobe PDF - 420.8 KB - MD5: ccd2f13675e07413319b27f747da0e8f
Supplementary Table 2: Hazard Ratio and 95% CI of central obesity (according to Fernandez, >90th vs <90th) between age 4 to 8 and different age of pubertal milestones (B2, P2, menarche, PHV)
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Supplementary Table 3: Hazard Ratio and 95% CI of % fat mass (skinfolds between age 4 to 8 and different age of pubertal milestones (B2, P2, menarche, PHV)
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Supplementary Table 4: Hazard Ratio and 95% CI of % fat mass / Height2 (skinfolds between age 4 to 8 and different age of pubertal milestones (B2, P2, menarche, PHV)
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