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1 a 4 de 4 Resultados
10 jul. 2024
Vega-Retter, Caren, 2024, "Genome scans reveal signals of selection associated with environmental pollution in natural fish populations of Basilichthys microlepidotus, an endemic freshwater species from Chile",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
In this study, we used genotyping by sequencing to assess variation at single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to determine the temporal consistency of population structure patterns previously identified in samples from four geographically separated sites. We also examined local a...
14 mar. 2024
Baeza, Marcelo, 2023, "Data supporting Codon Usage Bias in yeasts",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V2
Data of: fraction of synonymous codons, expression levels, predicted secondary structures and sub-cellular localization, predicted cellular functions, cluster of preferred and non-preferred codons,
24 may. 2023
Rojas, Felipe; Rojas Hernandez, Noemi; Cornejo-Guzman, Sebastian; Ernst, Billy; Dewitte, Boris; Parada, Carolina; Veliz, David, 2023, "Replicar los datos para: Population genomic and biophysical modeling show contrasting patterns of population connectivity in a lobster inhabiting oceanic islands",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Knowledge about connectivity between populations is essential for the fisheries management of commercial species. The lobster Jasus frontalis inhabits two oceanic island groups, the Juan Fernández Archipelago and the Desventuradas Islands, separated by 800 km. Since this species...
5 abr. 2023
Veliz, David; Rojas-Hernandez, Noemi; Fibla, Pablo; Dewitte, Boris; Cornejo-Guzman, Sebastian; Parada, Carolina, 2021, "Replicar los datos para: High levels of connectivity over large distances in the diadematid sea urchin Centrostephanus sylviae",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Most benthic marine invertebrates with sedentary benthic adult phases have planktonic larvae that permit connectivity between geographically isolated populations. Planktonic larval duration and oceanographic processes are vital to connecting populations of species inhabiting remo...
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