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11 a 18 de 18 Resultados
5 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas
Cortez, Donna; Soto, Jorge; Román-Figueroa, Celián; Paneque, Manuel, 2023, "Monitoring deforestation and forest degradation in the north of Chile using Landsat time series data sets from 1998 to 2018",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Deforestation and forest degradation are among the main sources of climate-change-inducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation in developing countries (REDD+) is a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFC...
5 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Galbany, Lluís, 2019, "Replicar los datos para: Optical INT and WHT spectra of SN 2014J",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
We present the intensive spectroscopic follow up of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2014J in the starburst galaxy M82. Twenty-seven optical spectra have been acquired from 2014 January 22 to September 1 with the Isaac Newton and William Herschel Telescopes. After correcting the obs...
5 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias
Troncoso-Palacios, Jaime; Garin, Carlos F., 2019, "Replicar los datos para: Figure 2 from: Troncoso-Palacios J, F. Garin C (2013) On the identity of Liolaemus nigromaculatus Wiegmann, 1834 (Iguania, Liolaemidae) and correction of its type locality",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Figure 2 from: Troncoso-Palacios J, F. Garin C (2013) On the identity of Liolaemus nigromaculatus Wiegmann, 1834 (Iguania, Liolaemidae) and correction of its type locality. ZooKeys 294: 37-56.
5 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias
Veliz, David; Rojas-Hernandez, Noemi; Fibla, Pablo; Dewitte, Boris; Cornejo-Guzman, Sebastian; Parada, Carolina, 2021, "Replicar los datos para: High levels of connectivity over large distances in the diadematid sea urchin Centrostephanus sylviae",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Most benthic marine invertebrates with sedentary benthic adult phases have planktonic larvae that permit connectivity between geographically isolated populations. Planktonic larval duration and oceanographic processes are vital to connecting populations of species inhabiting remo...
4 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias
Veliz, David; Rojas-Hernández, Noemi; Vega-Retter, Caren; Zaviezo, Camila; Garrido, Ignacio; Pardo, Luis M., 2022, "Replicar los datos para: Spatial and temporal stability in the population structure of a marine crab despite the long distance between populations, the presence of a biogeographic break, and the main oceanic currents",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Elucidating the processes responsible for maintaining the population connectivity of marine benthic species mediated by larval dispersal remains a fundamental question in marine ecology and fishery management. Understanding these processes becomes particularly important in areas...
4 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias
San Juan, Esteban; Araya-Donoso, Raul; Veliz, David; Quiroga, Nicol; Botto-Mahan, Carezza, 2021, "Replicar los datos para: Genetic diversity in a restricted-dispersal kissing bug: The Center-Periphery Hypothesis halfway",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
The center-periphery hypothesis (CPH) postulates that populations close to the center of a species’ distribution will exhibit higher genetic diversity and lower genetic differentiation than populations located at the edge of the distribution. The center of a species distribution...
4 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias
Alvarez-Varas, Rocío; Rojas-Hernández, Noemi; Heidemeyer, Maike; Riginos, Cynthia; Benitez, Hugo; Araya-Donoso, Raul; Resendiz, Eduardo; Lara-Uc, Monica; Godoy, Daniel; Muñoz, Juan Pablo; Alarcon-Ruales, Daniela; Alfaro-Shigueto, Joanna; Ortiz-Alvarez, Clara; Mangel, Jeffrey; Vianna, Juliana; Veliz, David, 2021, "Green, yellow or black? Genetic differentiation and adaptation signatures in a highly migratory marine turtle",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Marine species may exhibit genetic structure accompanied by phenotypic differentiation related to adaptation despite their high mobility. The genetic differentiation between green turtle (Chelonia mydas) Pacific shape-based morphotypes (south-central/western or yellow turtle and...
4 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Martínez Palomera, Jorge; Förster, Francisco, 2019, "Replicar los datos para: The high cadence transient survey (Hits): Source, light-curve and classification catalogs",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
The High Cadence Transient Survey (HiTS) aims to discover and study transient objects with characteristic timescales between hours and days, such as pulsating, eclipsing and exploding stars. This survey represents a unique laboratory to explore large etendue observations from cad...
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