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1 a 10 de 22 Resultados
31 ene. 2025
Cordero Garayar, Maria Luisa, 2025, "Replication data for: Soil-mimicking microfluidic devices reveal restricted flagellar motility of Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens under microconfinement",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
These .dat files include the raw data for figures 2, 3, and 5 of the paper "Soil-mimicking microfluidic devices reveal restricted flagellar motility of Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens under microconfinement", accepted for publication in Communications Biology.
1 abr. 2024
Goic, Marcel; Mirko Bozanic Leal; Charles Thraves, 2024, "Affinities and Complementarities of Methods and Information Sets in the Estimation of Prices in Real Estate Markets",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1, UNF:6:4NTEEvag/X6lArimN3o5kw== [fileUNF]
This dataset is used in the paper titled "Affinities and Complementarities of Methods and Information Sets in the Estimation of Prices in Real Estate Markets"
25 sept. 2023
Bastías Curivil, Cristian Andrés, 2023, "Mapa de los cerros Trentren y Caicai de Chile y Argentina (versión 2019 y 2022)",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V2
Mapa de los cerros Trentren y Caicai de Chile y Argentina. Están disponibles la versión N°1 (año 2019) y la versión N°2 (año 2022). Están asociados directamente a la Memoria de Título "Influencia de los Procesos Geológicos en la Cosmovisión Mapuche, entre Concepción y Chiloé" (20...
12 may. 2023
Mondschein, SUSANA VERÓNICA; Madariaga, Benjamín; Torres, Soledad, 2023, "Replication data for “Breast Cancer Trends in Chile: Incidence and Mortality Rates (2007–2018)”",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Version of the dataset used in the paper "Breast Cancer Trends in Chile: Incidence and Mortality Rates (2007-2018)". Public and anonymized data originally available at DEIS: Some redundant fields (descriptions for ICD-10 codes, geographical names, descript...
11 may. 2023
Mondschein, Susana Verónica, 2023, "Replication data for "Barriers to the use of tests for early detection of colorectal cancer in Chile"",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Anonymized survey database for the paper "Barriers to the use of tests for early detection of colorectal cancer in Chile".
25 abr. 2023
Huala, Felipe, 2023, "Conjunto de datos estimados de cambio de uso de suelo regional",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Este conjunto de datos presenta matrices regionales de cambio de uso del suelo, expresadas en hectáreas, que reflejan las transiciones anuales entre diferentes tipos de uso del suelo en cada región. Las columnas indican el uso del suelo del año actual (correspondiente al año del...
21 abr. 2023
Pastén, Francisco, 2022, "Copiapó_Experiment_Catalogue",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V2, UNF:6:EqHO6fRB2jndKVp7ubQlqQ== [fileUNF]
The subduction of different features such as oceanic ridges, fractures zones or seamounts are important for the accurate characterization of subduction zones. These structures may affect the along-dip variability of seismic behavior and eventually trigger slow earthquakes. Here w...
20 abr. 2023
Shaw, Thomas E; Gascoin, Simon; Mendoza, Pablo A.; Pellicciotti, Francesca; McPhee, James, 2019, "Replicar los datos para: Snow accumulation patterns in a high mountain Andean catchment from optical tri-stereoscopic remote sensing",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
1) DBSM_Data_RioYeso' = Automatic weather station (AWS) data from Yeso Embalse and Termas del Plomo meteorological stations (available from Chilean Water Directorate, 'Dirección General de Aguas' or 'DGA'
20 abr. 2023
Siegel, Cristián, 2022, "Replication Data for: Scaling of waiting time distribution in northern Chile",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V4, UNF:6:yrKwEx3PvENUeSH6mmbhfA== [fileUNF]
Code and data for "Scaling of waiting time distribution in northern Chile".
13 abr. 2023
Olivares, Marcelo, 2020, "Replication Data for: Ordering Sequential Competitions to Reduce Order Relevance: Soccer Penalty Shootouts",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1, UNF:6:ZTQbO6hQyZk7a90QcMTx4w== [fileUNF]
This dataset can be used to replicate the empirical results presented in the paper. In sequential competitions, the order in which teams take turns may have an impact on performance and the outcome. Previous studies with penalty shootouts have shown mixed evidence of a possible a...
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