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1 a 10 de 15 Resultados
18 jul. 2024 - Facultad de Medicina
Hetz, Claudio; Danilo B. Medinas; Juan Pablo Henriquez; Ute Woehlbier; Bredford Kerr; Guillermo Diaz; Amparo Zuleta; Matías Mansilla-Jaramillo; Pablo Rozas; Jessica Mella; Jorge Ojeda; Viviana Perez; Patricia Ojeda; Francisca Martinez-Traub1; Martin Sepulveda, 2024, "Expression of a protein disulfide isomerase A3 variant associated to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis triggers disease features in mice",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V2
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of motoneurons and compromised proteostasis. Dysfunction of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has been identified as a transversal pathogenic mechanism associated to motoneurons vulnerabil...
24 may. 2024 - Facultad de Medicina
Sebastian Delgado; Álvaro Armijo; Verónica Bravo; Omar Orellana; Juan Carlos Salazar; Assaf Katz, 2024, "Impact of the chemical modification of tRNAs anticodon loop on the variability and evolution of codon usage in proteobacteria",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V3, UNF:6:H4RkW4KY33+u8SKNSXXA8A== [fileUNF]
The data presented here corresponds to the supplementary data of the article entitled "Impact of the chemical modification of tRNAs anticodon loop on the variability and evolution of codon usage in proteobacteria" by Delgado et al. It contains supplementary figures, supplemntary...
25 sept. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Bastías Curivil, Cristian Andrés, 2023, "Mapa de los cerros Trentren y Caicai de Chile y Argentina (versión 2019 y 2022)",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V2
Mapa de los cerros Trentren y Caicai de Chile y Argentina. Están disponibles la versión N°1 (año 2019) y la versión N°2 (año 2022). Están asociados directamente a la Memoria de Título "Influencia de los Procesos Geológicos en la Cosmovisión Mapuche, entre Concepción y Chiloé" (20...
24 may. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias
Rojas, Felipe; Rojas Hernandez, Noemi; Cornejo-Guzman, Sebastian; Ernst, Billy; Dewitte, Boris; Parada, Carolina; Veliz, David, 2023, "Replicar los datos para: Population genomic and biophysical modeling show contrasting patterns of population connectivity in a lobster inhabiting oceanic islands",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Knowledge about connectivity between populations is essential for the fisheries management of commercial species. The lobster Jasus frontalis inhabits two oceanic island groups, the Juan Fernández Archipelago and the Desventuradas Islands, separated by 800 km. Since this species...
Datos tabulares - 749.6 KB - 227 Variables, 367 Observaciones - UNF:6:1R7lmoVKj1KV+OIzcRP43Q==
información suplementaria de artículo: "Adaptation and validation of the Perceived Nutrition Environment Measures Survey for the Chilean context (NEMS-P-Ch)"
5 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Galbany, Lluís, 2019, "Replicar los datos para: Optical INT and WHT spectra of SN 2014J",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
We present the intensive spectroscopic follow up of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2014J in the starburst galaxy M82. Twenty-seven optical spectra have been acquired from 2014 January 22 to September 1 with the Isaac Newton and William Herschel Telescopes. After correcting the obs...
5 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias
Troncoso-Palacios, Jaime; Garin, Carlos F., 2019, "Replicar los datos para: Figure 2 from: Troncoso-Palacios J, F. Garin C (2013) On the identity of Liolaemus nigromaculatus Wiegmann, 1834 (Iguania, Liolaemidae) and correction of its type locality",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Figure 2 from: Troncoso-Palacios J, F. Garin C (2013) On the identity of Liolaemus nigromaculatus Wiegmann, 1834 (Iguania, Liolaemidae) and correction of its type locality. ZooKeys 294: 37-56.
5 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias
Veliz, David; Rojas-Hernandez, Noemi; Fibla, Pablo; Dewitte, Boris; Cornejo-Guzman, Sebastian; Parada, Carolina, 2021, "Replicar los datos para: High levels of connectivity over large distances in the diadematid sea urchin Centrostephanus sylviae",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Most benthic marine invertebrates with sedentary benthic adult phases have planktonic larvae that permit connectivity between geographically isolated populations. Planktonic larval duration and oceanographic processes are vital to connecting populations of species inhabiting remo...
5 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias
Araya-Donoso; San Juan, Esteban; Tamburrino, Italo; Lamborot, Madelaine; Veloso, Claudio; Veliz, David, 2021, "Replicar los datos para: "Integrative approach to study reptile adaptation to desert using genetics, physiology and morphology"",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1, UNF:6:kvXYERWV9MpMrYcmFiB/iw== [fileUNF]
Filtered SNPs data of Liolaemus fuscus.
4 abr. 2023 - Facultad de Ciencias
San Juan, Esteban; Araya-Donoso, Raul; Veliz, David; Quiroga, Nicol; Botto-Mahan, Carezza, 2021, "Replicar los datos para: Genetic diversity in a restricted-dispersal kissing bug: The Center-Periphery Hypothesis halfway",, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
The center-periphery hypothesis (CPH) postulates that populations close to the center of a species’ distribution will exhibit higher genetic diversity and lower genetic differentiation than populations located at the edge of the distribution. The center of a species distribution...
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