1 a 10 de 11 Resultados
28 dic. 2024 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Retamal, Rodrigo; Paola González; Aryel Pacheco, 2024, "Entheseal changes, El Olivar", https://doi.org/10.34691/UCHILE/70AJZY, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1, UNF:6:0nyfU0aGsB/mZAzMoaFdQg== [fileUNF]
Database containing records of entheseal changes in 33 entheses (left and right sides) from 134 skeletonized individuals from the El Olivar archaeological site (formerly parcels 105 and 106), part of the El Olivar Archaeological Salvage Project (Rescate Arqueológico El Olivar). T... |
12 nov. 2024 - Facultad de Ciencias
FIbla, Pablo; Saez, Paola A; Lobos, Gabriel; Rebolledo, Nicolas; Veliz, David; Pastenes, Luis; Del Pozo, Talia; Mendez, Marco, 2024, "Delimitation of endangered Andean water frog species (Anura: Telmatobiidae) of the Chilean Salt Puna", https://doi.org/10.34691/UCHILE/PBCOJA, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
Aclarar el estatus taxonómico y la distribución de especies en peligro es crucial para su conservación. En este estudio, contrastamos diferentes líneas de evidencia (morfología, mtDNA, nu-cDNA: microsatélites y SNP) para aclarar el estatus taxonómico de especies de ranas acuática... |
7 oct. 2024 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Matías González; Vanetza Quezada-Scholz; Mario A. Laborda; Viviana Sáez; Esteban Kasely; Rocío Angulo; Consuelo San Martín; Francisca Bertin; Javier Bustamante; Felipe Alfaro; Felipe Parrado; Gonzalo Miguez, 2024, "Similarity in differential conditioning, raw data", https://doi.org/10.34691/UCHILE/H7DMGI, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1, UNF:6:7P3s+mDedfvs6uYQN0RA9A== [fileUNF]
This is the dataset associated with the manuscript "Similarity in Differential Conditioning: Implications for Inhibition, Generalization and Anxiety" |
31 jul. 2024 - Facultad de Ciencias
Palacios, Valentina; Rojas-Hernandez, Noemi; Vega-Retter, Caren; Araneda, Cristian; Olea-Stranger, Gonzalo; Araya-Goncalves, Gonzalo; Espindola-Rojas; Veliz, David, 2024, "Understanding the Population Connectivity and Genetic Structure of Octopus mimus in Northern Chile: Implications for Fisheries Management", https://doi.org/10.34691/UCHILE/YWAXF7, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
El cefalópodo Octopus mimus es una especie económicamente importante explotada por la pesca artesanal en el norte de Chile. Para investigar la estructura genética y la conectividad de las poblaciones de O. mimus, analizamos 6,573 SNPs de 88 muestras de pulpos desde la Región de A... |
29 jul. 2024 - Facultad de Ciencias
Tubin, Branco; Rojas-Hernandez, Noemi; Rico, Ciro; Vega-Retter, Caren; Pardo, Luis M; Veliz, David, 2024, "Population homogeneity with unequal exploitation and recruitment contribution within the 2700 km geographic distribution of the commercial hairy crab Romaleon setosum (Decapoda: Cancridae) in Chile", https://doi.org/10.34691/UCHILE/BEIBGY, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
El conocimiento de la estructura genética de las poblaciones de especies marinas explotadas comercialmente es crucial para obtener información sobre la dinámica de los stocks y la conectividad de las poblaciones. Esta información es esencial para la gestión eficaz de las pesquerí... |
26 jul. 2024 - Facultad de Ciencias
Mardones Muñoz, Pablo, 2024, "Replicar los datos para: Geometry and pressure effects on shallow microchannel deformations.", https://doi.org/10.34691/UCHILE/BLCLXJ, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V1
The database contains 3 spreadsheets. The first sheet contains areas of droplets travelling in a 20 millimetre reversible microchannel, droplets were detected along the channel at 1 millimetre spatial intervals. The second sheet contains droplet velocities travelling in a 20 mill... |
19 jul. 2024 - Facultad de Medicina
Hetz, Claudio; Mei Li Diaz; Diego Arriagada; Giovanni Tamburini; Natalia Poblete; Alvaro Ardiles; David Neira; Denisse Sepulveda; Gabriela Martinez; Els Henckaerts; Julie Tordo; Sergio T. Ferreira; Adrian G. Palacios; Marcia Weber, 2024, "Optimized adeno-associated vector to deliver the unfolded protein response transcription factor XBP1s into the hippocampus ameliorates Alzheimer’s disease features in mouse models", https://doi.org/10.34691/UCHILE/IAE3N6, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V2, UNF:6:x5ZPoCTpoVEyN5PY+SQZTQ== [fileUNF]
Proteostasis impairment at the level of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a salient feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The unfolded protein response (UPR) is the main adaptive pathway to cope with protein folding stress at the ER, where the expression of the transcription facto... |
18 jul. 2024 - Facultad de Medicina
Hetz, Claudio; Danilo B. Medinas; Juan Pablo Henriquez; Ute Woehlbier; Bredford Kerr; Guillermo Diaz; Amparo Zuleta; Matías Mansilla-Jaramillo; Pablo Rozas; Jessica Mella; Jorge Ojeda; Viviana Perez; Patricia Ojeda; Francisca Martinez-Traub1; Martin Sepulveda, 2024, "Expression of a protein disulfide isomerase A3 variant associated to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis triggers disease features in mice", https://doi.org/10.34691/UCHILE/Z9SEHC, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V2
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of motoneurons and compromised proteostasis. Dysfunction of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has been identified as a transversal pathogenic mechanism associated to motoneurons vulnerabil... |
30 may. 2024 - Facultad de Medicina
Hetz, Claudio; Vicente Valenzuela; Daniela Becerra; José Astorga; Matias Fuentealba; Guillermo Diaz; Leslie Bargsted; Carlos Chacón; Alexis Martinez; Romina Gozalvo; Kasey Jackson; Vania Morales; Macarena Las Heras; Giovanni Tamburini; Leonard Petrucelli; Pablo Sardi; Lars Plate, 2024, "Artificial enforcement of the unfolded protein response (UPR) reduces disease features in multiple preclinical models of ALS/FTD.", https://doi.org/10.34691/UCHILE/4MDLCP, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V2
Data used for Research Article submission to Molecular Therapy Journal for review Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and fronto-temporal dementia (FTD) are part of a spectrum of diseases that share several causative genes, resulting on a combinatory of motor and cognitive sympto... |
24 may. 2024 - Facultad de Medicina
Sebastian Delgado; Álvaro Armijo; Verónica Bravo; Omar Orellana; Juan Carlos Salazar; Assaf Katz, 2024, "Impact of the chemical modification of tRNAs anticodon loop on the variability and evolution of codon usage in proteobacteria", https://doi.org/10.34691/UCHILE/AYDRZL, Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad de Chile, V3, UNF:6:H4RkW4KY33+u8SKNSXXA8A== [fileUNF]
The data presented here corresponds to the supplementary data of the article entitled "Impact of the chemical modification of tRNAs anticodon loop on the variability and evolution of codon usage in proteobacteria" by Delgado et al. It contains supplementary figures, supplemntary... |